La Busca is located 20 km south of Siena
and 80 km south of Florence.

Caroline Cardon de Lichtbuer - HAZEE
Località La Busca – SP33 - KM 10 - IV
Strada Provinciale di Murlo 10
53016 MURLO (SI)
GSM : 0039 333 10 82 295
TEL : 0039 0577 81 42 10
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Access plans
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Some GPS units locate La Busca under the name: "Podere La Busca" at MURLO - If you cannot find it, simply enter Lupompesi which is situated 500 meters from La Busca. Arriving at La Busca, take an immediate right on the main path in order to go to the parking and / or drop off your luggage at the entrance of the apartments Sangiovese - Canaiolo - Malvasia and Trebiano. For our home, the apartment and small house Podere and Pendolino, keep driving to the top of the path and you will find the two buildings on the right side of the little square.
Available airports :  
• PISA (150 km) 
• BOLOGNA (200 km ) 
• PERUGIA (115 km) 
• ROMA (220 km)

In all airports, rental car at your disposal and possibility to get to Siena by train or bus. (for timetables: or

By car :
• +/- 1.300 km from BRUXELLES
• +/- 1.235 km from PARIS
• +/- 700 km from GENEVE
+/- 400 km from MILANO - NAPOLI
Access plans
From northern Italy:
Go to Florence. On Florence’s ring road, head south and exit at FIRENZE IMPRUNETA then follow direction SIENA on the 4 lane road called FI-SI. Once around SIENA, follow the direction of ROMA and exit at SIENA SUD. Take the direction of ROMA (not the blue-plate Highway) or Buonconvento on the national road SS2 (or SR2) Cassia Sud. On the Cassia, always follow the direction of ROMA blue plates / SS2 (or SR2). After Isola d'Arbia and before Monteroni d'Arbia, take the short connection motorway Roma-Buonconvento. Exit at the 2nd exit on the roundabout, take the 2nd right always in the same direction Roma-Buonconvento. After + / - 1km turn right towards Grosseto - SS223-Vescovado di Murlo. After + / - 6 km along this road, before entering Vescovado, continue to the right towards Grosseto-Casciano on the SP33. Let Lupompesi on your left. Then after a small road towards RADI on your right, continue 200 meters on the same road and take the driveway lined with pine trees on your right. You are at La Busca.

From Pisa airport:
Just outside the airport, turn right on the 4-lane road FI-PI-LI towards FIRENZE (Do not take the highway that lies further north). OR: Arriving in Florence, take the motorway direction ROMA (the ring of Florence) and exit at FIRENZE IMPRUNETA, Take direction SIENA on the 4-lane road. Alternatively, if you drive during the day or you have a good map, you can take the 4-lane road called FI-PI-LI towards FIRENZE, exit at GINESTRA FIORENTINA (just after Empoli last exit before FIRENZE) and turn right towards CERBAIA and Talente and follow the SIENA and SAN CASCIANO direction. After SAN CASCIANO in the descent on your right, take the 4-lane road (FI-SI) in direction of Siena. Arrived at SIENA (follow direction ROMA), exit at SIENA SUD, take the direction of ROMA (blue-plate - not Highway) or Buonconvento on SS2 (or SR2) Cassia Sud. On Cassia, always follow the direction of ROMA blue plates / SS2 (or SR2). After Isola d'Arbia and before Monteroni d'Arbia, take the short connection always towards Roma-Buonconvento. Exit at the 2nd exit on the roundabout, take the 2nd right always in the same direction Roma-Buonconvento. After + / - 1km turn right towards Grosseto - SS223-Vescovado di Murlo. After + / - 6 km along this road, before entering Vescovado, continue to the right towards Grosseto-Casciano on the SP33. Leave Lupompesi on your left. Then after a small road towards RADI on your right, continue 200 meters on the same road and take the driveway lined with pine trees on your right. You are at La Busca.

From Rome:
Take the highway to the north, towards FIRENZE, exit at CHIANCIANO. Then take direction SIENA; you will pass by the Foce (beautiful garden to visit ...). From there you will also see the famous zigzag path lined with cypress pictured thousands of times. The view on the descent with the peaks is spectacular ... Always follow direction Siena to get to the national road SS2 (Cassia). Arrived on the SS2, turn right towards SAN QUIRICO D'Orcia (lovely town) and pass it always in the direction of Siena. Once you reach BUONCONVENTO, exit SS2, returning to Buonconvento (left) and just before the center of Buonconvento turn left again to MURLO. Always follow this road and leave Murlo on your left. At Vescovado di Murlo, leave the village on your left, go on on the same road, and when you come to a T in the bottom of the hill, turn left towards CASCIANO, Grosseto. Then leave Lupompesi on your left and after + / - 2km, and a cross for RADI, continue another 200 meters on the same and take the avenue of pines to the right. You are at La Busca.
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Agriturismo La Busca - Località La Busca , Strada Provinciale di Murlo 10 - 53016 MURLO ( SIENA) - tel . 0039 0577 814210 - cell. 0039 333 1082295 -
Company Info & Privacy : Azienda Agricola La Busca SRL - Località La Busca , Strada Provinciale di Murlo - 53016 MURLO ( SIENA)
P.IVA & CF : IT01082550524 - CIN IT052019B589HA96SN - Capital : 100.000 € Az. Agr. La Busca SRL respects the Italian law 196/2003 on privacy. The personal information which is requested is needed by La Busca for the management upon request. All the personal details are treated with the utmost confidentiality.